Publicity is a weird thing. Many big businesses feel there is no such thing as "bad publicity" and that whenever a business can make it into the news, it should end up being beneficial in the long term. I'm not sure I agree, but maybe that's why I do what I do every day. I can say with great certainty, that Mulligan could care less about publicity, despite the additional attention he has been receiving at the club since the book has been published or the extra treats doled out by members these post-publishing weeks. Some of the club members have even chosen to reward his new star status with compressed peanut butter and oatmeal in the shape of a ordinary treats for this celebrity! Oblivious to all the fuss, he still maintains his normal "aw shucks" persona and remains unchanged, with the exception of his waistline. He still takes time to greet anyone with a friendly face.
Maybe there is a lesson to learn in all this. Granted, Mulligan has no way of comprehending why he's getting more attention these days; he just appreciates any and all food carrying friends. In the grand scheme of things, there is a subtle undertone on one of life's lessons here. Just because fame and or fortune come your way, it doesn't mean that your attitude or personality need to change. Unfortunately it is easier said than done, unless you are Mulligan.

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